What is DANG Tough?

It’s appreciating life through humbling experiences. Time in nature is very important. My time outside stimulates my continual healing from a traumatic past. During that time I am fully present and humbled by my abilities. I hope my story can help others use nature and movement to become their best self.

Set goals. Trust the process. Be humble.

DANG TOUGH is appreciating the time I have and hope to maximize others. It is pushing the many boundaries of what I know I can do.

It is loving myself and nourishing my spirit, mind, and body.


D.A.N.G: Daring Adventures Need Grit

My goal is to make what is uncomfortable, comfortable.

Who is Jim Dang?

I am a human. I am the son of a mother who was slain too soon. I am a brother. I am a survivor. I am the nephew to people who have become my missing parents.  I am an uncle. I am a partner. I am a friend. I am a Dang.

I am a Person of the Global Majority (PGM) and proud to be Vietnamese. I was born and bred on Abenaki land. I am vulnerable. I am powerful. I am joy. I am wealth. I am abundance. I have spirit to fulfill. I have an open mind. I have a beautiful body. I am blessed. I am here for you.

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